Friday 22 November 2019

introducing N.Y.H.F. (New York Has Fallen)

hi guys this is a preview of my story new York has fallen hope you like it


It has been nearly 10 weeks since lady liberty has fallen, people went crazy after that people running
around screaming, it was the end of the world. it was on the news for ages, then the darkness came
and engulfed 80% of the population. people that still remained thought it was over, they were wrong.

Chapter 1 Home Base

Dan was a fifteen year old boy that was lucky enough to be one of the 20% of the world to survive the
darkness, one day he stumbled upon a cabin fit for survival but in a matter of weeks he had eaten all
his rations he had to go out to get more. He opened the cabin door and was instantly blinded by the sun
in his eyes. he hadn’t been out of that bunker for weeks, he rapidly blinked for a few seconds and then
opened his eyes, he looked around for the first time in weeks, what the saw was horrible, an
abandoned field filled with fallen trees and old cars. the only thing standing was a rusty old sign with
a blue square robot waving the sign said :welcome to home base: but someone had written on it and
it now spelt :Run! To home base. just as he finished reading the rusty sign he saw a purple grey cloud
in the distance coming closer and closer spreading like a wildfire, it swallowed the sky leaving only
darkness behind, just then after it filled the whole sky there was a purple strike of lightning closely
followed by the shrivelled up remnants of what seemed to be a man, the man was crawling out of the
ground, suddenly he realised what they were and ran he saw a cabin ahead and ran as fast as the
could opened the door and tripped over something, frightened by the creatures shrivelled
yellowish face.    

“Hello Hello are you awake” said what seemed to be a girls voice. he opened his eyes and was
met with a white blur, the blur seemed to fade away, he heard the same voice “ah your awake”
said the mystery voice, 
the white blur faded completely and what stood in front of him, it was the blue robot from the sign
earlier, it looked brand new As though it has just been made just when he tripped, he was stunned
from the monsters, the robot said “hello sir can you hear me” said the robot, he turned his head so
it met the robots blue sphere camera eye “hi and welcome to home base” said the robot just then
there was a man's voice that yelled “husks detected” followed by a flashing red light, “ignore that” said
the robot “so introductions i’m ray and were the commander support crew, a bunch of foot big robots
appeared behind ray, there were spheres and cubes purple,red and green buzzing and beeping
“at least we would be if we had a commander” said ray going on “fun fact we were built to prevent
the darkness but will not last a day in the darkness luckily this is just a drill” a red robot beeped rapidly
as though he was saying something to Dan's surprise he was and ray responded by saying “not a drill,
well that explains the monsters” ray was pointing to a wall of computers showing the monsters
from before. “so plan b, plan b, anything, anything guys” after ray breakdown because there was
no plan b there was a flashing red button ray obviously couldn’t see it so after she calmed down he
pointed it out to ray “I think you just found our plan b” said ray she ran over and pushed the button,
at first there was a fire like cracking noise coming from the speaker that was quickly followed by what
sounded like a helpless women yelling “hello! hello if you can hear me i’m all alone out here” just as the
transmission ended ray clapped excitedly “it can finally be useful” again the red robot buzzed “i’m glad
you asked pop, I call it project R.A.M.I.R.E.Z,it is a robot that can be controlled by vr goggles” a pair of
vr goggles dropped from the roof “problem is we couldn’t use it because it needs a human to pilot”
ray said in disappoint “but now wait what was your name?” “Dan, Dan Wilkerson” he said in a
surprised voice “OK Dan we need you as our new commander are you up for it ?” Dan thought for a
while “me a commander” said Dan surprised “I know it sounds far fetched but we need you to help us
the world depends on us” say ray. Dan thought for thought for a while then replied “If it means saving
the world it’s a risk I'll take” Dan said bravely. “great” said ray “I just need to type in the coordinates
and….” she pressed a big green button. there was a thud from the vr system “it’s all ready” said ray
“good luck your gonna need it” as Dan put on the vr goggles. he looked around all he could see was
hills, the colour of the grass was orange-ish. “hello Dan it’s ray i’m talking to you through R.A.M.I.R.E.Z
it has a microphone installed so I can hear you.'' ”great” said Dan “OK Dan there should be a mini map
on the NE side of your view to his surprise there was a map on the NE view, it was birds eye view. he
thought how they were doing that but he heard a buzzing above him “oh that’s how they’re doing it”
the said slapping his forehead.'' I've pinpointed the location the transmission was coming from” said
ray, there was a blue marker on the map he was surprised and walked over the hills. what he saw
was amazing. a giant fort fit for survival, he was stunned if he had just walked outside of his 
bunker he would have found this. 

more chapters coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jackson, your story sounds amazing. There are just a few mistakes in there. But I think the story is great anyway!


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