Monday 25 November 2019

introducing N.Y.H.F. (New York Has Fallen) part 2

hi guys it's Jackson and if you liked the first one your gonna love the next chapter.

chapter 2 The resistance

“Dan! what are you standing there for get down there and fend off those husks” said ray 
“I have pinpointed a chest in the fort don’t worry if you see a man running at you with a mace it can’t
hurt you but be sure to doge his swings and tell them why you are here or he might
just break the gear “  ''OK.” said Dan running down the hill.
he was so worried when he was running down the hill that the man ray was talking about would
hurt him but he remembered he was in the vr suit so it wouldn’t hurt him.
he walked down to the fort creepily
and opened the chest. there were traps and barricades spike traps electric traps and shovels
there was a sort of thumping so he looked up and there was a man running at him, he had a mace,
petrified he grabbed a shovel trying to protect, when the man hit the shovel with the mase it backfired
knocking him out  the was unconscious “umm Ray I found the man” said Dan staring at the man
“well i’ll try and find a way to get him and you back with the suit, but while i’m sorting that out protect
the fort from husks” ray said “sure i’ll hold down the fort” Dan said snickering “great” said ray ending
the transmission Dan felt a punch in the back of his head he fell down he saw what seemed to be an
old skinny man with a storm grey beard, his eyes were black holes sucking him into a burning glare
“who are you have you come for my gear” said the mysterious man he looked over at the open
chest it’s contents spilled “why you little…”  “wait” said Dan “i’m here to save you” “pf ft” said the man
“I don’t need no saving, I’m livin the high apocalypse life, eaten husk meat, drinking water from the
creek heck I even have my 5th pet dog” he said “well if stay here they will keep coming and they
will grow stronger, evolving becoming resistant” Dan said trying to persuade him “well that being
said I”LL JUST BLOW THEIR FACE OFF!” the man said laughing “trust me i’m with the C.S.C the
commander support crew” said Dan “we help bystanders and protect them from husks and protect
them from the storm.” “well,” he said, “if your really here to protect me go and fuel that rocket ship,
but first help me fend off the rest of these husks” “OK” said Dan “but first what’s your name ?” 
“Pete” he said “Pete Philippine” “now get over here and help me fend off these husks.” “you know
those traps you stole well place them down by the husks and pass me a shovel I can dig holes”
“I'll just grab everything” said Dan hands full of traps and barricades and a opened can of tuna,
“why is there tuna in here” said Dan “you’ll see” said Pete snickering “now go, fend off those husks”
they ran to the main fort were a woman was standing “hey there” she said “I'm Lucy and don’t ask
what my last name is you only need to know my first name” Dan felt a familiar voice it was the voice
of his mother “you sound like my mother” said Dan “ well I ain't  your mother so gimme that tuna can”
she said snatching the tuna can and lighting the insides she threw it at the remaining husks a
few seconds.
later there was an explosion blowing up a faction of the fort
“Lucy why did you do that for you blew up the fort” “shut it Pete, kid ya know how to start a rocket”
“no” said Dan but I know who might ray do you copy” “uh i’m right beside you” said ray “but yes I do
know how to run a rocket what does it run on ? “dunno it says it runs on B.G” said Lucy. “well I'll be”
said ray “a rocket that runs on Blue-glo I haven’t haven't seen them since the 2250” “Blue-glo ? what’s
that”said Lucy “it’s a type of matter it’s like foam except it has the power to float so that is why it was
used in rockets but is very slow and that's why it was changed with plutonium.” “I don’t care about
plutonium” said Lucy “where can we find Blue-Glo” “normally in bunkers and forts so you have a high
chance of finding it I calculate a 95% chance of Blue-glo 
you’ll only need a liter so dan go and find some while you two defend the fort “OK’ everybody
said getting to their stations. In the bunker it was very cold a miserable getting damper and
more sad as the stairs kept dragging on as though it was infinite. after a few minutes he heard
a woman she sounded familiar
“help help I need help we’re under attack we need help”
said the woman the sound of helplessness becoming 
stronger further dan went down he was so fast he was sliding down stairs,
finally he saw a blonde strands of hair then a freckle free face but as white
as a snowman shivering and twitching her teeth colliding with each other. “hello?”
she squeaked as dan walked the fear in her voice taking over “hello?” dan said Hearing
a sudden breath of relief “I thought you were a creature she said relieved that she’d live
“what your name” said the woman “dan” he said “hi dan i’m Julian”''nice to meet you dan”
“you too”said dan “ “well I gotta go I need to get to a rocket” said dan “well why don’t you take
the elevator” said Julian confused “there’s an elevator?” he said shattered” ''yea an elevator”
said Julian “right there” pointing to a button  she pressed it, it opened to a door that opened
to an elevator. “what !” said dan “why didn’t they tell me that!“ “quiet dan here yell in the
elevator there are sleeping children”
she stepped to the side and there was 4 what seemed to be 5 year olds
“they didn’t get caught in the darkness. there all siblings and there mum where on the park and...."
she paused "that's where I found them” said julian staring at the four kids “where’s there mother ?’
asked dan julian held out a necklace with a photo of the four kids and a women
"she got caught in the storm i found this by the kids" “oh” said dan
“well I gotta go ya know gotta work out how to fix a rocket ship” “yea” said julian
“well it was nice meeting you dan” “you too” said dan they both smiled as the elevator doors shut.
as the elevator went down ray would say to him “so remember find Blue-glo it looks like this.”
a picture of a blue subtense pop up in front of him it looked like floating water but musher “ding”
went the door dan wiped the Blue-glo off the screen, he walked forward to the rocket. the rocket was huge,
but damp and looked broken down. a strong blue light was coming  from the back of the rocket.
“uh ray what’s that blue light coming from the rocket ?” ray replied almost instantly “it’s blue-glo!”
“quickly grab it and shove it into the fuel tank” said ray in excitement “er OK ray whatever you say”
said dan confused. he looked around the corner and his jaw dropped. it was the most awesome
thing he had seen in his life apart a giant ant made out of lasers. he scooped up the pile of floating
blue-glo and was amazed. when he scooped it in his hand it floated. for a minute he 
stared at the magnificence and then tried to find the fuel tank. it was pretty easy to find it but hard to work it.
luckily he figured it out with the help of ray. “ray it has to heat up” “what should I do?” said dan
“go help the others” said ray “I detect a strong new creature approaching” “OK”
said dan as he walked to the elevator.

oh this is getting serious what will happen? find out next time.

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