Wednesday 27 November 2019

N.Y.H.F part 3

hi guy's here's the next chapter for you N.Y.H.F

chapter 3 Return to home base
“dan I can tell what the monster is” said ray “what is it” dan replied his chest beating.
ray said “it a brute” a picture popped up and showed the brute
“massive hammer like hand and the most dangerous darkness being we have seen”
dan was terrified then ray explained “luckily like all dark beings it has a weak point, the head”
“great” said dan the pounding in his chest slowly coming back to normal “sadly” said ray
“the head is protected and small but you’ll get through it” “yea” said dan. “ding” went the doorbell
“um ray” said dan the sound of fear coursing through his veins “ye”
said ray “do you think this is safe” dan said “ “um yes your in HQ remember you can’t get hurt”
“oh yea well i'll bring R.A.M.I.R.E.Z back” said dan ending the transmission
“ oh dan your here one question WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!” Pete said,
“It's a brute” said dan “place roof traps the weak point is it’s head”
said dan blurting out the words as fast as the can
Pete yelled the veins on him pumping with rage “just do it” dan said the tone in his voice full
of irritation “trust me” he said “hmm fine” said Pete suspiciously “but you owe me a new base”
“done” said dan “OK” Pete said “but you better be right” Pete placed the trap on the roof while
the brute fell into the trap. “great we did it, it stopped wrecking my fort, now about that new base,
I need it to be underground preferably made of steel and cameras to spy on the husks” Pete said.
“You just described the base” said dan “well then what are we waiting for ?”
tee minus 2 minutes till launch.” “That” said dan
“how many floors do we have to go down to get to the rocket,” said dan “7”
said Pete “great check all the floors gather up everyone and get this suit in the rocket, got it”
Pete nodded “OK see you back at home base the coordinates have been put in the rocket already”
said dan “see you there” “well try and find a way to get you in without being caught by zombies”
“yup” said Pete “now go already” “and with those words he opened his eyes.
he was back at home base.

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